Atelier Montez: Let the Arts Inhabit a Productively Shared Space- Interview with Marcella Magaletti
1) PINA PICCOLO. Can you please explain how the idea to reclaim an abandoned industrial facility for artistic use ...
1) PINA PICCOLO. Can you please explain how the idea to reclaim an abandoned industrial facility for artistic use ...
The Dreaming Machine
Writing and visual arts from the world.
In the early 1990s, several years before heading to Palermo to start my Fulbright year, I went to see ...
LI RUO 脱光了,睡你 床,你幸苦了 今天休息 赖了你一天 一直睡到头昏脑胀 四肢无力 床,谢谢你 不管我得意失意 你总是 毫无怨言的 在背后默默地支持我 从不冷眼 从不势利 不管我是胖是瘦 从不嫌弃 ...
From Gia Marie Amella's unpublished manuscript of interviews made in Sicily in 1999. All photos, courtesy of Modio Media. “In ...
Sean Tanner poses for a photo with a cat who actually got arrested for trying to force his way ...
they bombed the fucking zoo o' fairest mirror in my hand to you, dead birds and thee, I sing of ...
A Nest of Triptychal Performances PER/FORMATIVE CITIES A Nest of Triptychal Performances Saun Santipreecha Curated by Camilla Boemio Presented by...
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