there’s a whole ocean filled with sand
between what was and what will be
where fish grows wings to climb the sky
and water birds revert to earth
a stark canvas devoid of view
not a sand dune not a tree
only a shell hangs beyond the skyline
spilling the noise of the in-between
* * *
for my Auntie Phiyllis and Auntie Eillen RIP
tribes gather on the sand
at the ancient birthing place
a magic pelican child is born
a carry basket is woven from reeds
baskets are woven with story
baskets are woven with song
my basket is heavy with history
out of sight like superstition
our footsteps on the sand
will turn to rock soon
my father is the sand dune
that rock is my mother
- * Dream space-time belonging to the Australian aboriginal cosmovision and mythical plays in which the world, its beings and laws were created.
* * *
there is love
in the wind by
the singing rock
down the river
by the ancient tree
love in malu
ngintake and kalaya
love when spirits speak
no human voice
at the sacred sites
when walawaru soars
over hidden kapi
find the love
* Words belonging to the poet’s Yankunytjatjara aboriginal language appear in this poem: malu (kangaroo), ngintaka (iguana), kalaya (emou), walawaru (eagle), kapi (water).
* * *
the world is turning to clay
its muddy weight dry on my skin
drags me down below river banks
reducing the sky to a sliver
all peripheral vision is blocked by earth
the sky allows a sight that does not end
only my eyes reveal the myopia secret
my desire to live in the sky
the sky remains free from blemish
the depth of this view reduces me
shrinking me back into the earth
only the white of my eyes suggests clouds
the clay on my skin has dried and cracks
its earth voice hoarse, now drowned in mud
I retreat to myself encased in knowing
truth is bigger when reduces in size
This poetry selection by Mario Licón Cabrera was translated into italian by Lucia Cupertino for issue number 17 of La Macchina Sognante. We thank her for letting TDM publish it in its original language.
Ali Cobby Eckermann (1963) australian aboriginal poet,from the Yankunytjatjara, Kokatha kunga tribe, she belongs to the Stolen Generation. as a child she was adopted by the Eckermann family and was able to reunite with her mother only thirty years later. She is considered one of the most acclaimed poets in the Australian aboriginal poetry scene. She has received many awards and has been translated into many languages. Among her most recent works n the verse novel Ruby Moonligth (Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation 2012) and Inside My Mother (Giramondo 2015), da cui sono tratte le poesie qui presentate.